Roof Consulting
• Roof inspections and comprehensive roof audits.
• Quality roof plans and specifications.
• Develop and initiate preventive maintenance programs.
• Infrared roof and wall scans.
• Roof materials testing.
• Litigation support for roof failures.
• Engineering services.
• Roof consulting and roof inspection services for state agencies.
• Full service and fully qualified personnel.

Preventive Roof Maintenance Specialists

• Initiate annual and bi-annual inspections and “structured” preventive   maintenance programs.
• Protects the “fifth wall” of your building which is constantly exposed to the   elements.
• We know that timely and proper repairs are imperative to preclude     widespread damage and possible elimination or control of mold issues   due to wetness.
• We also know that the control of leaks and an annual preventive       maintenance program will sustain the roofs in the proper condition.
• We can extend the service life of your roof.
• Eliminate costly and untimely roof replacement projects.
• Universal should be your preventive maintenance assistants.